Inventory Management SuiteApps

Following are the 2024.2 inventory management enhancements to SuiteApps:

Quality Management Enhancements

NetSuite 2024.2 includes the following Quality Management enhancements:

Inspection Generation Including Parent Transaction

The NetSuite Quality Management SuiteApp enables you to better control the generation of inspection queues by including the parent transaction with the inventory transactions. This enhancement allows you to define individual inspection criteria based on a combination of parent and inventory transactions.

Enhanced Inspection Capabilities

The following inspection features have been included in the NetSuite 2024.2 Quality Management SuiteApp:

  • Inspection tasks can be performed only by employees who have been assigned to an inspection. This ensures that inspection reporting is carried out by the approved employees and prevents unauthorized personnel from updating data.

  • To help improve the integrity and security of the data, the system prevents updates to inspection data for completed inspections.

  • To avoid unnecessary emails being sent when email notifications are not required, email notifications are generated based on configuration settings.

  • The Quality subtab now displays a list of the following quality inspection transactions and their status:

    • Work Order

    • Work Order Completion

    • Assembly Build

    • Item Receipt

    • Item Fulfillment

    • Purchase Order

    • Sales Order

    • Vendor Return Authorization

    • Transfer Order

  • You can now generate an inspection queue by entering the transaction quantity in decimal format in the Ad-Hoc Queue Creation page.

Updated User Interface

The following user interface enhancements are included in the NetSuite 2024.2 Quality Management SuiteApp:

  • The Quality subtab has been added to the Item page to group all quality records in one location.

  • You can now move between the NetSuite transaction page and the inspection queue record in the Quality Management tablet.

  • The Quality Management menu has been refined for improved customer navigation.

Compliance Enhancements

You can now restrict updating the Quality Data until after an inspection is finished.

To learn more, see Quality Management Mobile Data Collection.

SCM Mobile Enhancements

SCM Mobile provides the following enhancements:

Highlighting Table Rows with Colors

SCM Mobile provides six standard colors that you can use to highlight rows of data tables. You can choose up to three colors to set up on a single data table. When you set up a color, you add a column condition to specify the data you want to highlight. The app applies the color to entire rows that contain data that meet your condition. For more information, see SCM Mobile App Configuration.

Assigning Printer Groups to Printers

You can create printer groups and assign them to one or more printers available through your PrintNode client. You can create groups for dedicated printers that you use for areas, zones, and teams in a location. On the app, you can set a default printer group for your selected location. During printing, you can specify a different group and choose a printer that belongs to it. For more information, see Mobile Printing Setup Procedures.

Attaching Images and Files to Custom Records

Aside from attaching images and files to standard transactions and records, you can now attach them to custom ones. When you set up image capture or file upload on a mobile process, you can choose from the supported custom records. For more information, see Setting Up Image Capture or File Upload.

Exporting and Importing Standard Mobile Processes

You can now export and import standard mobile processes to other accounts that use the same mobile app. For standard processes, you can export any changes made to page elements through Mobile Configuration. For more information, see SCM Mobile Setup.

Smart Count Enhancements

The Smart Count SuiteApp version 5.0.0 includes the following enhancements:

New SuiteApp Preferences

You can now set the following new preferences on the Smart Count Preferences page:

  • Confirm Before Approving, Rejecting, or Selecting Recount – This preference lets you confirm the action before you approve, reject, or mark items for recount.

  • Select Zone and Aisle for Counting – If you are a WMS user, this preference lets you select a zone and aisle before starting a count.

Updated Smart Count Mobile App

The Smart Count mobile app includes the following enhancements:

  • The Item Count page now displays the following new fields:

    • Total Quantity Counted – Displays the total counted quantity for an item for a selected location.

    • Available Lot Numbers – Displays the available lots for a bin, provided it is not empty. For items without bins, the field displays all lot numbers associated with a location.

  • The task list now displays the following new columns:

    • Item Description

    • Display Name

  • You can now select a zone and aisle before starting an item count.

New Permissions for the Smart Count Inventory Manager Role

The following new permissions are added to the Smart Count Inventory Manager role:

  • Bulk Manage Roles

  • Employees

  • Employee Records

To view permissions, go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > Manage Roles.

Updated Smart Count Review Page

The Smart Count Review page now includes the following enhancements:

  • The Report section displays the following columns:

    • Aisle

    • Variance Quantity in Stock Units

    • Zone

  • The Primary Filters section provides an option to add or remove filters. Also, the updated Date field now requires you to enter a date range that is within 18 months.

New Field on the Count Configuration Page

The Count Configuration page now includes the new Location field. You can select one or more locations for which a count configuration applies.

Ability to Assign Recount Task to an Employee

You can now select the employee to whom you want to assign the task to recount an item. When you click Recount for an item, a popup window displays where you can select the employee for assignment.

New Fields on an Item Count Record

An item count record now displays Zone and Aisle fields. The field values are derived from the bin record for an item.

General Notices