Using Integration Records in Sandbox Accounts

An integration record you create in a sandbox account can be installed in your production account, either through bundling or auto-installation. You can also install records in your sandbox that were created elsewhere, either in your production account or in another NetSuite account.

For details, see Auto-Installation of Integration Records and Bundle Installation of Integration Records.


If you create an integration record in a sandbox account and then install it in a production account, you will not be the owner of the integration record in the production account. This means that you cannot update every field of the integration record in the production account. To have full control of the integration record in a production account, create the integration record directly in the production account.

If an integration record is created in your sandbox account and later installed in your production account, after a sandbox refresh, the integration record settings are copied from your production account to your sandbox account. For details, see Sandbox Refresh Impact on Integration Records.

Development Process for Integration Records

  1. Create an integration record in a sandbox account and test your integration.

  2. After testing, create a new integration record in your production account, and use the settings that you tested in your sandbox account.

When you update a specific integration record in another account, the behavior of the integration records in different accounts can be different. For more details, see the following sections:


For details on using token-based authentication with integration records with production and sandbox accounts, see Token-based Authentication Credentials and Accounts.

Common Fields Between Production and Sandbox Accounts

Integration records have fields that are specific for each account, and fields that are common between all accounts where the integration record is installed. The following fields are common:

The Consumer Key and Consumer Secret are not directly editable. You cannot change them directly, but you can regenerate them if needed. The Consumer Key and Consumer Secret can only be regenerated in the account where the integration record was created.


The Application ID is not editable.


For details on distributing an integration record, see Distributing Integration Records.

Sharing Integration Records Between Sandbox and Production Accounts

You can create an integration record in your sandbox account and install or auto-install it in your production account, or the other way around. In this case, you cannot fully manage the integration record in the account where you installed or auto-installed it, and you can only edit the State and the Note fields.

Sandbox Refresh Impact on Integration Records

When a sandbox account is refreshed, production data is copied to the sandbox account, and the earlier sandbox content is overwritten. A sandbox refresh is one of the few ways that an integration record can be uninstalled from a NetSuite account. That is, if a record was created in your sandbox account but not installed in your production account, it is removed as part of the sandbox refresh. After the refresh, the integration record can be auto-installed back into the sandbox account, if you have the application ID. However, you will not have full control of that integration record in the sandbox.

After every sandbox refresh, review the list of integration records, and block those you do not plan to use, because after the refresh all production integration records are copied to your sandbox accounts, including the production settings.

If you auto-install the integration record, be aware that data specific to the first installation is not retained. Data contained in the SOAP Web Services Execution Log, the State field, and the Note field is deleted. For details, see Auto-Installation of Integration Records.

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