Distributing Integration Records

In some cases, it may be necessary to distribute an integration record to other NetSuite accounts. Similarly, if you created a record in your sandbox account, you might want to distribute it to your production account. You can also do the reverse: install a record created in your production account into your sandbox.

For all of these situations, you have the following options:

Distributing by Auto-Installation

When certain conditions are met, a user can auto-install an integration record into a NetSuite account or account by sending a SOAP web services request to the target account.

One advantage of distributing by auto-installation is that users have some control over the value of the State field on newly installed records. The initial value of this field is set according to the configuration of the Require Approval during Auto-Installation of Integration preference.

To distribute an integration record by using auto-installation:

  1. After the record has been created, open the record for editing and verify that the User Credentials box is checked. Additionally, make a note of the record’s application ID.

  2. Update the code for the integration to include the application ID associated with the record.

  3. Do one or both of the following, as needed:

    • Provide the updated integration or the application ID to the appropriate users. For example, if you are distributing the integration to your customers, you might want to provide them with the updated integration code and instruct them to send a request to the account or account where the record should be installed. You may also want to instruct users to check the configuration of the Require Approval during Auto-Installation of Integration preference. If this preference is set to true, the new integration record will be blocked until it is manually enabled.

    • Send a request to the account or account where you want to install the record.

    When the request is received, the record is automatically installed. If the State field is set to Waiting for Approval, an account administrator must manually enable the integration before requests can be accepted. That is, an administrator must open the record for editing and set the State field to Enabled.

See also Auto-Installation of Integration Records.

Distributing by Bundling

The integration record is supported for bundling with SuiteBundler.

This method may also be preferable if you have additional customizations that you want to distribute.

To include integration records in a bundle, select the appropriate records on the SuiteBundler’s Select Objects page. In the Object Types column, select Integrations > Integrations. Then select the appropriate records in the Choose Objects column. This column shows both active and inactive integration records.

See also Bundle Installation of Integration Records.

Consider the following when bundling an integration record:


Note that when you distribute an integration record by bundling, its State field is initially set to Enabled in the target account. By contrast, if you distribute the record by auto-installation, the initial value is determined by the configuration of the Require Approval during Auto-Installation of Integration preference.


If the integration record is installed in your account by bundling, you cannot reset the credentials. The credentials can be reset only by an authorized user in the NetSuite account where the record was created. For more information, see Regenerating a Consumer Key and Secret.

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