Creating Segment Codes

Use segment codes to define the valid combinations of custom segments that can be set on various transactions. Set up these codes to ensure the integrity of your data and internal controls for the transaction entry process.

Create the segment codes for your organization. For each code, define the custom segment values to which it applies. Program and Restriction are required custom segments.

The codes you create are available as values in the Segment Code list at the line-item level on transactions. The list only contains segment codes that are applicable to the selected Subsidiary for the transaction. When you select a segment code for a line item, the values in the custom segment fields and other native segmentation fields are sourced from the segment code record.

By default, the Record Access permission level is Edit for custom segments included in NFP Financials. To prevent users from changing the segment value after a segment code is selected, change the Record Access permission level to View for specific roles. For more information, see Permissions for NFP Financials Custom Segments.

For example, you may create a code named CASH-AP-CA and specify the following custom segment values:

On a transaction, such as Donation, select CASH-AP-CA for a line item. The specified custom segments are populated from the code record.

To create new segment codes:

  1. Ensure that you have all the required custom segments set up. See Custom Segments for NFP Financials.

  2. Go to NFP Financial Center > Data Management > Segment Code > New.

  3. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for your code, following your own conventions.

    For example, CASH-AP-CA could be a code to stand for the combination of revenue type, program, and region.

  4. In the Subsidiary field, click one or more subsidiaries for the code.


    The segment code is only available on the specified subsidiaries. On transactions, the Segment Code list is restricted by subsidiary.

  5. If you use Department, select the appropriate classification to associate with the segment code.

    For information about Departments, see Departments and Classes Overview.

  6. From each applicable custom segment list, select the values to associate with the code. Program and Restriction are required fields.

    For example, from the Functional Expense list, select Fundraising.

  7. Click Save.

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