Creating a Program

A program is a custom segment. For details, see Custom Segments for NFP Financials.

This segment enables program management. On revenue transactions, use it to identify the purpose of a restriction placed by a donor. On expense transactions, use it to identify the program for which the expense is incurred.

You can set up your own values for this segment. A value called Unrestricted is provided for transactions that are not restricted to a specific program.

To create a program:

  1. Go to NFP Financial Center > Data Management > Program > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for this program. The name you enter here appears in program lists on transactions.

  3. From the Parent list, select the larger parent if the program is a subprogram or a smaller portion of another program.

    If your role has the necessary permissions, you can click New to create a new program record to be the parent.

    If you select a parent in this field, the name of this program is shown following the parent program and a colon in program lists.

  4. From the Program Manager list, select the manager of the program.

    If your role has the necessary permissions, you can click New to create a new employee record if needed.

  5. In the Start Date field, type or select the date that the program becomes effective.

  6. In the End Date field, type or select the date that the program expires.

  7. Enter additional information as necessary. You can enter or view information related to notes and translation.

    The Program page has subtabs. The subtabs that display on the page are determined by the setting and options you have enabled.

  8. On the Program Statistics subtab, you can view summarized searches, including lifetime net assets, Year-to-Date (YTD), program contributors, yearly revenue, and yearly expense.

  9. Click Save.

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