Installing NFP Financials

NFP Financials is available as a SuiteApp that can be installed in your account.

Deployment Considerations for NFP SuiteApps

You should make the following deployment considerations before installing or updating the NFP SuiteApps:

  • Before installing the NFP Financials SuiteApp, you must contact your NetSuite sales or account representative to provision this SuiteApp for your NetSuite account.

  • Only users with the Administrator role or the SuiteBundler permission can install any NFP SuiteApp.

  • Do not rename the classifications (Department, Class, Location, Subsidiary, or Account) with the same name as the custom segments included in the NFP Financials SuiteApp. Else, you may face issues when updating the NFP SuiteApps. For more information, read the topic Custom Segments for NFP Financials.

  • Custom Segments are unlocked, so you can modify Custom Segments and corresponding Custom Record definitions. However, a bundle update reverts Custom Segment modifications to the state in the SuiteApp, with the exception of the following field values:

    • Label

    • Mandatory check box

    • Default Selection

    • Default Record Access Level

    • Default Search/Reporting Access Level

    • Sourcing lists from Transactions, Transaction Columns, Entities, CRM, and Items

To Install NFP Financials

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

    See Bundle Searches Overview for a description of bundle search functionality.

  2. In the Keywords field, enter the bundle number 253068 and press Enter.

  3. In the Name column, click NFP Financials.

    The Bundle Details page opens.

  4. Click Install.

  5. In the popup window, click OK.

    The Review the Preview Bundle Install page opens. This page lists the bundle objects that will be installed (or, for configuration bundles, the settings that will be copied). Here, you can indicate how to resolve conflicts between bundle objects and target account objects with the same names or script IDs, set installation preferences for some objects, and lock some objects so target account users cannot change them. For details, see Reviewing the Preview Bundle Install Page.

  6. Click the Install Bundle button to begin the installation process.

    For details, see Starting the Bundle Installation Process.


    It is recommended that you review Bundle Installation Notes before you begin the process of installing a bundle.

NFP Financials is a managed SuiteApp that is automatically updated whenever enhancements or new features are added.

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General Notices