KPI Scorecards as XML Definitions

KPI scorecards compare complex relationships among multiple KPIs over multiple date ranges or accounting periods. Use KPI scorecards to store your selection of performance indicators, mathematical formulas, time periods, and date ranges. Each KPI scorecard object supports several standard KPIs and up to ten custom KPIs that are based on saved searches. For more information about KPI scorecards, see the following:

Create and manage KPI scorecards using SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF). You can model a KPI scorecard definition in a SuiteCloud project and deploy the project to a target NetSuite account. For more information about working with KPI scorecards in a NetSuite account, see the following:

KPI scorecards are referenced by the kpiscorecard root element in SDF. The following is a sample KPI scorecard object that contains some basic information:

          <kpiscorescard scriptid="custkpiscorecard_sample">
    <name>Sample KPI Scorecard</name>
    <description>This is a sample KPI scorecard.</description>


Use the useperiods Boolean element to determine whether the KPI scorecard should use periods instead of date ranges. When periods are used, accounting periods should be set up in a NetSuite account. You should set the Report by Period preference to All Reports on the Analytics tab of the Set Preferences page.

The custom structure is required when using custom KPIs in your formulas and comparisons. Each element should reference the saved search ID that is used as the basis for each custom KPI. Each element is labeled from kpi1 through kpi10, supporting up to ten saved search references. A KPI scorecard object supports up to ten custom KPIs.

The audience structure is optional. Use this structure to define which roles can display the KPI scorecard in their KPI scorecard portlets.

In addition to these information fields, KPI scorecards can have the following structures:

After deploying a KPI scorecard object from a SuiteCloud project to the target NetSuite account, you can reference it from a published dashboard through NetSuite. For more information, see Adding a KPI Scorecard Portlet to a Dashboard.


KPI scorecard objects cannot be referenced or configured for use in any published dashboard objects that are managed through a SuiteCloud project.

For more information about the KPI scorecard object, see kpiscorecard.


The following is an example of a KPI scorecard object. This scorecard creates a matrix involving two key performance indicators, COGS vs Bank Balance and Activities vs Previous, and two ranges, THIS FISCAL HALF and LAST YEAR VS. THIS FISCAL YEAR.

            <kpiscorescard scriptid="custkpiscorecard_sample">
    <name>Sample KPI</name>
        <kpi1>ACTIVITIES</kpi1> <!-- Saved Search associated with the first CUSTOM KPI -->


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