Viewing All SDF SuiteApps

You can view a list of all of the SDF SuiteApps created by your account. SuiteApps cannot be deleted from the list. If you do not want a SuiteApp to be available on the SuiteApp Marketplace, you can deprecate it. For information, see Deprecating a SuiteApp Version.

To view a list of all SDF SuiteApps in your account:

  1. Log in to NetSuite using the SuiteApp Release Manager role. If you are already logged in with a different role, switch to the SuiteApp Release Manager role. For information, see Roles and Accounts.

  2. Go to Control Center > My SuiteApps > My SuiteApps.

    To find a SuiteApp in the list, enter the name in the Search For a SuiteApp By Name field.

    The following information is available for each SuiteApp:

    • SuiteApp Name – is the name of the SuiteApp specified in the SuiteApp definition. For information, see Editing a SuiteApp Definition.

    • Application ID – is an ID for the SuiteApp that is based on the publisher ID and project ID. SuiteApps created with SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) are always represented by an application ID (app ID). For more information about app ID notation, see Properties of a SuiteApp Project.

    • Access – is the SuiteApp Marketplace availability setting for the SuiteApp. For information, see Setting SuiteApp Marketplace Access.

    • Status – displays the current status of the SuiteApp. Possible statuses are:

      • Released – the SuiteApp is currently available on the SuiteApp Marketplace for users to install.

      • Deprecated – the SuiteApp is not available on the SuiteApp Marketplace.


        For a SuiteApp to be available to users on the SuiteApp Marketplace, it must meet the SuiteApp publishing requirements. For information, see Requirements for SuiteApp Marketplace Availability.

    • Leading Version – displays the currently released leading version of the SuiteApp. For more information, see SuiteApp Version Phases.

    • Lagging Version – displays the currently released lagging version of the SuiteApp.

    For each SuiteApp, the following actions can be performed from the Three dot menu button:

    To create a new SuiteApp, click Create New. For information, see Creating a SuiteApp Definition.

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