Statement of Activity

The statement of activity reflects your organization’s financial activity over a period of time. It shows the change in net assets with and without restrictions. The statement of activity for a nonprofit is similar to an income statement for a for-profit business.

This FASB report is designed for U.S. subsidiaries only. For subsidiaries in other countries, customize the standard income statement as needed to adjust the layout to meet local requirements. For more information, see Financial Report Builder.

This report shows the change in permanently restricted, temporarily restricted, and unrestricted net assets. It includes the following sections:

By default, accounts beginning with 69 are classified as Release from Restriction accounts. If your implementation does not use the 69 series accounts by default:

To view the Statement of Activity report:

  1. Go to NFP Financial Center > Financial Reports > Statement of Activity.

    NetSuite displays the report.

  2. At the bottom of the page, select values in Period or From and To fields.

  3. From Column list, select Restriction (Custom) to add the columns for restrictions.

  4. Click Refresh.

To print the report, click the print icon Print button at the bottom of the page.

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