Setting up Balance and Carryover Limits in a Time-off Rule

The following diagram illustrates the process for setting up balance and carryover limits:


To set up balance and carryover limits:

  1. In the time-off rule, set up how you want to manage carryover balances:

    • To deduct unused time off from an employee’s balance, under Balance and Carryover Limits, clear the Allow Employees to Carry Over Unused Time-Off box.

    • To allow carryover, check the Allow Employees to Carry Over Unused Time-Off box. This is the default setting. Next, do the following:

      • To restrict how much unused time off can be added to next year’s balance, check the Limit the Amount of Time-Off Employees Carry Over box. Then, do the following:

        1. In the Maximum Carryover field, enter the maximum amount of time each employee is entitled to carry over.

        2. In the Maximum Carryover Unit field, select the unit of time for the maximum carryover field.

        For example, employees are entitled to carry over 5 days. Enter 5 in the Maximum Carryover field, and then select Days in the Maximum Carryover Unit field.

      • To expire carried over time off after a specific period of time, check the Expire Unused Carryover box. Then, select which month the carried over time off should expire.

        For example, if you select March, employees have until the end of March to take this type of time off. If they do not book the time off before it expires, it is removed from their accrual and they can no longer use it.


        If you select a date in the past, the expiry does not occur until the following year. If you change a carryover expiry month from a future date to a past date, the change does not occur until the following year. This is also true if you change a carryover expiry from a past date to a future date. The change takes effect in the current calendar year only if the expiry month is in the future.

      • To prevent employees from carrying over negative balances at the end of the year, check the Reset Negative Balances to Zero at Year End box.

      • To display expiry notification messages to employees in the Employee Center, check the Show Balance Expiry box. Notifications appear in the Employee Center when employees have time off that expires within the current or the next calendar month.

  2. Click Save.

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