Time-Off Accruals


If you use SuitePeople U.S. Payroll in your NetSuite account, follow the setup instructions in Time-Off Management Integration With SuitePeople U.S. Payroll.

Time-off types can automatically accrue within a time-off plan in one of two ways: by a fixed amount per period, or by hours worked. For more information, see Setting up an Accrual Based on a Fixed Amount per Period and Setting up an Accrual Based on Hours Worked.


If you select a track only time-off type in the time-off rule, accrual options do not appear in the time-off rule.

The following diagram illustrates the process for setting up time-off accruals in a time-off rule:


Within a time-off plan, if two or more rules use the same time-off type, both types must accrue in the same way. They must accrue either by a fixed amount or by hours worked.

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