Creating a Time-Off Rule


If you use SuitePeople U.S. Payroll in your NetSuite account, follow the setup instructions in Time-Off Management Integration With SuitePeople U.S. Payroll.

To create a time-off rule:

  1. Go to Setup > HR Information System > Time-Off Plan.

  2. Beside the plan that you want to define rules for, click Edit.

  3. Click New Time-Off Rule.

  4. In the Time-Off Type field, select a time-off type to apply to the plan.


    To create a new time-off type for this plan, in the Time-Off Type field, click New.

  5. Specify the minimum tenure for this time-off type and whether the tenure is in months or years. Typically, minimum tenure is used to increase the amount of time off that employees are entitled to over a specific period of time. However, it can also be used to adjust an accrual or carryover rule at an employment milestone.

    For example, you want employees to start with 10 vacation days and then set an increase after five years of employment to 15 vacation days. To do this, add two time-off rules to the plan using the same time-off type. One rule has a minimum tenure of zero with an entitlement of 10 vacation days. The second rule has a minimum tenure of five years with an entitlement of 15 vacation days.

  6. Set up time-off accruals. For more information, see Time-Off Accruals.

  7. Set up balance and carryover limits. For more information, see Setting up Balance and Carryover Limits in a Time-off Rule.

  8. Click Save.

Repeat these steps for each rule that you want to apply to this time-off plan. Within a plan, you can create multiple rules for one time-off type. However, the time-off type must accrue in the same way, by either a fixed amount or by hours worked, in each rule where it appears.

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