Renaming SuiteBilling Records

You can rename the following SuiteBilling records to better suit your specific business needs:

When you rename a record, the new name replaces all instances of the original name in the NetSuite user interface. For example, after you change the name “subscription” to “contract,” you go to Transactions > Contracts > Create Contracts instead of Transactions > Subscriptions > Create Subscriptions. The renamed record also appears in search links, search criteria, and search results. It does not appear in the Help Center search results or in help topics. The renamed record also appears in reports, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), error messages, and alert messages.


If you change the name “subscription” to “contract,” the feature name does not change at Setup > Company > Enable Features. The same is true with any information or error message on the Enable Features page.

If you rename the subscription record, NetSuite also renames the subscription item record and the subscription term record. For example, you change the name “subscription” to “contract.” The subscription item record changes to contract item and the subscription term record changes to contract term. If you rename either the subscription change order record or the subscription plan record, it does not impact the name of any additional records.

To learn SuiteBilling change order fundamentals, see SuiteBilling Change Orders.

For specific details and more information about renaming records in NetSuite, see Renaming Records and Transactions. To learn more, view the video:

To rename a SuiteBilling record:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Rename Records/Transactions.

  2. Edit the names of the subscription billing records. For example, in the Name for Subscription field, you can change Subscription to Contract.

  3. When you have finished renaming records, click Save.

To rename a SuiteBilling record in multiple languages:

  1. If you use different languages in your account, set your language preference:

    1. Go to Home > Set Preferences.

    2. In the Localization section, from the Search Sorting list, select your language preference.

  2. Repeat the procedure To rename a SuiteBilling record: for each language in your account.

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