Defining a Simple Login Audit Trail Search


By default, the Administrator role has permission to create, edit and view the Login Audit Trail Search. You can also add permission to any role that can make changes on the Manage Roles page.

To define a simple Login Audit Trail search:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > View Login Audit Trail.

    Login Audit Trail Search page with available filters.
  2. Define filters for searching login activity:

    • User – Select one or more users, holding down the CTRL key to select more than one. To search by exclusion, change the dropdown list to none of.

    • Role – Select one or more roles.

    • Date Range – Select a named time period (such as last fiscal year), or enter a start date and end date to define a custom date range.

    • Email Address – Enter an email address in the field.

    • IP Address – Select search logic in the dropdown list, and enter an IP address or part of an IP address.

    • User Agent – Select search logic, and enter a value like “Mozilla” to find the client browser used to access your account.

    • Request URI – Select search logic, and then enter a URI (or any part of a URI) for a NetSuite page used for login.

      The list below includes examples you might use to find the services used to access your account:

      • /app/center/mobile/

      • /app/reporting/

      • /app/site/hosting/

      • /app/webservices/

      • /internal/admin/

    • Status – Select an option: Success, Failure, or Either.


      If a user enters an incorrect 2FA verification code, it is counted as a login Failure.

    • Security Challenge – Select an option: Success, Failure, or Either.

    • Token-based Application Name – Select a parameter to use, and then type the name.

    • Token-based Access Token Name – Select a parameter to use, and then type the name.


    • Generally, a user is determined by a combination of email address and password. There is not necessarily a one-to-one mapping between email addresses and users, because two users might share the same email address but use different passwords.

    • If an email address is used by only one user, then a login audit trail search filtered by that email address and a search filtered by the matching user produce the same results.

    • If an email address can be matched to more than one user, then a login audit trail search filtered by that email address and a search filtered by one of the matching users would produce different results sets.

  3. Choose one of the following actions:

    • Click Submit to run the search and open a NetSuite page with a list of results.

    • Click Export button to run the search and save results to a .csv file that you can save to disk or open on your desktop. For more information about exporting search results, see Exporting Search Results.

    • Click Personalize Search to open a saved search page with no filters defined, where you can define a personalized search form to be your default search form for audit trail.

    • Click Create Saved Search to open a saved search page that includes the filters you defined. For more information, see Saved Searches.

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