Extension Manager Overview

Extension Manager Page




Click the New Activation button if you need to activate a theme and extensions for a domain for the first time. For more information, see Creating a New Activation.


Click Edit next to any preexisting activation to add, remove, or update themes and extensions for the associated domain.


Lists the web site associated with the activation.


Lists the domain associated with the activation. NetSuite allows one domain per activation.


Lists the subsidiary associated with the activation. This applies to SCIS domains only.


Lists the location associated with the activation. This applies to SCIS domains only.


Lists the currently active theme for the activation. If NetSuite is currently processing the activation, this column lists the theme currently being processed. You can only have one theme per domain/activation.


Lists all currently active extensions for the activation. If NetSuite is currently processing the activation, this column lists the extensions currently being processed. You can activate any number of extensions or none at all. If an update is available for an active theme or extension this column displays an alert icon. You must edit the activation to apply the update. Fore more information, see Updating Themes and Extensions.


Lists one of the following statuses:

  • Complete – Indicates that the theme and any extensions listed for the activation are complete and active for the associated domain.

  • In Process – Indicates that the activation is currently processing.

  • Pending – Indicates that the activation has not started processing. If you create or edit more than one activation simultaneously, the Extension Manager builds a processing queue. Any activations awaiting processing display this status.

  • Error – Indicates that the activation process has failed. This status includes a link to open a log popup to aid in troubleshooting.


If an activation experiences an error, at least one theme or extension has failed and requires troubleshooting. Troubleshooting is an advanced effort that requires knowledge of JavaScript, SutieScript, JSON, and Sass. See Troubleshoot Activation Errors for assistance.


Lists the date of the most recent activation. If an activation fails, the date of the most recent attempt to activate is displayed.


Lists one of the following IDs:

  • The ID of the bundle that completed the automatic activation during its installation. You can select the link to see more information about an automatic activation.

  • The ID of a user within the current account who performed the activation.

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