Troubleshoot Activation Errors

If you experience any errors during activation, you can use the Extension Manager to troubleshoot. If an activation fails, the Status column displays Error (view log) and provides a log to help with your investigation.

To troubleshoot errors:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Commerce > Extensions > Extension Manager.

  2. Click the view log link next to the error in the Status column to open a popup and display the Activation Log.

    The Activation Log provides expandable information to help you troubleshoot the error.

  3. On the Activation Log popup, do one of the following:

    1. Click (more) next to Extensions to view a list of the theme and extensions that are part of the failed activation.

    2. Click (more) next to the failed process to expand the error log and troubleshoot the cause.

    3. Click (less) to collapse.

    Shows how to click the links you need to access the error log.

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