Building the Custom Employee Change Request Workflow

Create the workflow definition and define the basic workflow properties and the workflow initiation properties. The workflow initiates after a manager creates an employee change request.

To create the workflow definition and define when the workflow initiates:

  1. Go to Customization > Workflow > Workflows.

  2. Click New Workflow.

  3. Set the following in the Basic Information field group:

    1. In the Name field, enter a name for your workflow, such as Employee Change Request Workflow.

    2. In the Record Type list, select Employee Change Request.

    3. In the Release Status list, select Testing.


      Set Release Status to Testing until it is ready for production. When your workflow is ready for production, you can set it to Released.

    4. In the Keep Instance and History list, select Only When Testing.

    5. Check the Enable Logging box.

  4. In the Initiation field group, choose Event Based.

  5. In the Event Definition field group, check the On Create box.

  6. Click Save.

  7. To continue with the Employee Change Request workflow, go to Creating States for the Employee Change Request Workflow.

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