Setting Up State 1: Entry

After you create the states, you can set up the transition from State 1: Entry to State 2: Next Approver. If a manager creates an employee change request, this transition triggers the next approver state.

To set up the transition to State 2: Next Approver:

  1. If you have not created states for your Employee Change Request Workflow, go to Creating States for the Employee Change Request Workflow.

  2. In the diagrammer, point to the bottom of State 1: Entry. The icon becomes a filled half-circle.

  3. Drag the icon to State 2: Next Approver.

  4. In the diagrammer, double-click the transition arrow from State 1: Entry to State 2: Next Approver.

  5. In the Workflow Transition window, set the following:

    1. In the To list, select State 2: Next Approver.

    2. In the Transition On list, select After Record Submit.

  6. Click Save to save your changes to the transition.

  7. To continue with the Employee Change Request Workflow, go to Setting Up State 2: Next Approver.

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