Scheduling Performance Reviews

You can schedule a performance review and assign it to a group of employees. On the launch date that you specify, employees and reviewers receive email notifications to complete their reviews. There are three different performance review schedules you can use: the Basic schedule, the Advanced Fixed Date schedule, and the Advanced Relative Date schedule.

To create a performance review for a single employee, see Individual Performance Reviews.

To create a performance review with the Advanced Fixed Date schedule, see Scheduling Performance Reviews with the Fixed Date Schedule.

To create a performance review with the Advanced Relative Date schedule, see Scheduling Performance Reviews with the Relative Date Schedule.

Scheduling Performance Reviews with the Basic Schedule

You can schedule a performance review using the Basic or Advanced version of the performance review schedule. With the Basic schedule, you can schedule a performance review based on subsidiary, location, department, or job title. For example, you might want to schedule a review for all employees in your sales department. You can schedule performance reviews based on calendar dates for the performance review’s launch date and the employee’s due date. You can also choose calendar dates for the reviewer’s due date, the start of the review period, and the end of the review period.

An employee's supervisor is assigned as their reviewer for scheduled performance reviews. If an employee does not have a supervisor on their employee record, you can assign a reviewer by editing the individual performance review. For more information, see Assigning a Supervisor to an Employee and Editing a Performance Review.


To schedule performance reviews with the Basic schedule, you need to have a role with the Talent Administrator permission access level at Create or higher.

To schedule a performance review with the Basic schedule:

  1. Go to Setup > Performance Management > Scheduler > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the performance review schedule. This name should be meaningful to employees and reviewers that will complete the performance review.

  3. From the Performance Review Template list, select the template to use for this performance review schedule.

  4. In the Launch Date field, enter the date on which NetSuite sends reviews to employees. This date must be a future date. You can also click the calendar icon An icon that looks like an calendar to choose a date from the calendar.

  5. In the Employee Due Date field, enter the date by which employees should complete their self reviews.

  6. In the Review Due Date field, enter the date by which reviewers should complete the performance reviews.

  7. In the Review Period Start field, enter the start date for the performance review period.

  8. In the Review Period End field, enter the end date for the performance review period.


    After the performance review launch date, the start date and end date cannot be changed.

  9. To specify the employees who should be included in the performance review, complete one or more of the following options:

    • To include employees based on their subsidiary, from the Subsidiary list, select a subsidiary. To include employees from multiple subsidiaries, press and hold Ctrl while you select additional subsidiaries.

    • To include employees based on their location, from the Location field, select a location. To include employees from multiple locations, press and hold Ctrl while you select additional locations.

    • To include employees based on their department, select the department from the Department list. To include employees from multiple departments, press and hold Ctrl while you select additional departments.

    • To include employees based on their job title, in the Job field, enter a job title. To enter multiple job titles, on a new line, start typing another job title.

  10. Click Save.

When you launch the performance review schedule, you can access performance reviews by going to Setup > Performance Management > Performance Reviews.

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