Memorized Transaction Definition

A memorized transaction is a transaction you set up to recur in NetSuite, such as recurring journal entries. Memorized transactions eliminate data entry and serve as useful reminders. A memorized transaction consists of two parts:

Memorized transaction templates and definitions must be created in the NetSuite user interface, but existing memorized transaction definitions can be called using SuiteScript.

The internal ID for this record is memdoc. Note that this record is a search record only. You cannot create or copy this record.

See the SuiteScript Records Browser for all internal IDs associated with this record.

When you memorize a transaction, you set up the transaction to recur over time. You choose whether the transaction automatically posts or if you are reminded to post it. You also set the frequency the transaction should occur and set posting options. You can specify that the transaction should recur forever or a set number of times.

When you edit or delete a memorized transaction, the change is tracked on the system notes of the memorized transaction.

The following are limitations for posting memorized transactions in locked and closed periods:

In NetSuite, you can memorize the following transactions:

For help working with this record in the UI, see the following articles:

Supported Script Types

Memorized transaction definitions are supported in client and server SuiteScript.


Automatically-created transactions do not support server scripting.

Supported Functions

Memorized transaction definitions support only the Read, Update, Delete, and Search functions.

Usage Notes

Be aware of the following:

For information about scripting with this record in SuiteScript, see the following help topics:

Sample Code

Memorized transaction definitions can only be created in the NetSuite user interface. The example script below first loads an existing memorized transaction definition with ID 2. Then, it sets the Action field to “Reminder”, and sets the Next Transaction Date in the Custom Dates subtab to 12/12/2020. It saves this date, and then saves the memorized transaction definition.

          var r = nlapiLoadRecord('memdoc', 2)
r.setFieldValue('action', 'REMINDER')
r.setCurrentLineItemValue('customdates', 'nextdate', '12/12/2020')
var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(r); 


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General Notices