Project Records

Creating a Project Record


The SuiteApp must be enabled on Projects in the Oracle Content Configuration page. Otherwise, you cannot create folders for your project records in Oracle Content. See Configuring the NetSuite Content and Experience SuiteApp.

To create a project record, follow the guidelines and procedures in the help topic Creating a Project Record.


For the Project Name field, refer to Unsupported Symbols in Oracle Content Folder Names for guidelines. Unsupported characters used in NetSuite record names are replaced with underscores (_) within the name of the generated Oracle Content folder.

After saving, a folder in Oracle Content is automatically created for the project record. The value in the Project ID field of the project record is the project folder’s name in Oracle Content.

If you have existing project records prior to enabling Oracle Content on projects, edit the project record and then save to generate a corresponding Oracle Content folder. If an existing project contains project task records, Oracle Content folders are also generated for the project tasks.


You can define and run a mass update script to automate the editing and saving of several project records to generate Oracle Content folders. Make sure that you are assigned the permissions listed in Required Permissions for NetSuite Content and Experience. For information and guidelines on creating a mass update script, see SuiteScript 2.x Mass Update Script Type.

Project Templates

Project templates enable you to create project records in NetSuite. You can use templates for projects your business regularly conducts. The NetSuite Content and Experience SuiteApp supports project records created from project templates. To know more about project templates, refer to the following help topics:

Assigning Project Resources

Project resources are the people you assign and use as labor on a project. These resources can be your employees, or vendors that you employ as subcontractors.

Anyone you use as a project resource must first be set up as a project resource on their employee record. To set up project resources, refer to the following help topics:

After setting up project resources, you can assign them to a project or project task record. To assign resources, follow the procedures in the help topic Assigning Project Resources.

Only resources assigned to the project under the Resources subtab can access the Documents subtab of the project record.


To prevent timeout errors, assign a maximum of 100 resources at a time. If assigning more than 100 resources to a project, split them into batches of 100 or less per batch.


The SuiteApp must be enabled on Projects in the Oracle Content Configuration page. Otherwise, resources will not be able to access the Oracle Content Documents of projects they are assigned to. See Configuring the NetSuite Content and Experience SuiteApp.

Resource Allocations

If the Resource Allocations feature is enabled in your account, refer to the following help topics for guidelines and procedures for assigning project resources:

Resources assigned to a project using the Resource Allocations feature can access the Documents subtab of the project record.

Creating an Access Code for Public Links

Any project's public link carries security risk. Unauthorized persons can access project documents with it. It is important that you generate an access code for assigned resources who do not have Oracle Content credentials. They can then use the code to access the Documents subtab for their project or project task record to view the Oracle Content folder.

To create an access code for public links:

  1. Log in to Oracle Content and Experience Cloud.

  2. Select the project folder that you want to grant access to.

  3. Click Share Link.

  4. On the Share Link page, click Edit Link Options.

  5. In the Pick Existing Link field, enter the email address of your project resource.


    If you want to assign a different access code per project resource, repeat steps 2–8 and enter a different access code for each email address entered.

  6. (Optional) In the Link Expiration Date field, enter an expiration date for the access you are granting to your project resource.

  7. In the Link Access Code, enter the access code the project resource must enter to access the folder.

    Enter eight or more numeric values for this field.

  8. Click Copy Link.

  9. Provide the access code to your project resource.

Viewing Oracle Content Documents of a Project Record

Only resources assigned to the project under the Resources subtab can access the Documents subtab of the project record. For more information, see Assigning Project Resources.

To view Oracle Content Documents of a project record:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Projects.

  2. Click the View link of the project record.

  3. On the Project page, click the Documents subtab.

    If you are an outside project resource without Oracle Content credentials, enter the access code provided to you to view your project's documents.

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