Configuring NetSuite Accounts for Plan Comptable Général Compliance

As a company with France subsidiaries, you must configure your NetSuite account in addition to setting up the company, subsidiary, and general preferences, to be compliant with France's generally accepted accounting principles or the Plan Comptable Général (PCG). For more information about general France account setup, see Setting Up France-Specific Preferences. These actions ensure that the systems in your NetSuite account complies with PCG and the France Tax Authority requirements for the Fichier d’Ecritures Comptables (FEC) file:

To set the accounting preferences for PCG compliance:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.

  2. On the General subtab, check the Use Account Numbers box.

  3. In the GL Audit Numbering Method field, select Base Accounting Period or Year.

  4. Click Save.

To set up a GL Audit Numbering sequence for PCG compliance:

  1. Go to Transactions > Management > GL Audit Numbering Sequences > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a label for this numbering sequence.

  3. In the Available Open Periods field, select the Fiscal Year period.

  4. In the Available Subsidiaries field, select the subsidiaries whose transactions in the chosen Fiscal Year you want to include in the numbering sequence.

  5. In the Numbering Type field, select Permanent.

  6. Select an Accounting Book.

  7. Check the Exclude Zero Amount Transactions.

  8. In the Order By field on the Numbering subtab, select Transaction Date.

  9. Click Save.


GL Audit Numbering for France accounts can be run automatically or manually. If a manual run is chosen, run the numbering sequence every month (to prove the VAT return declaration), or at least once a year before the Fiscal Year closes. For more information, see Running GL Audit Numbering Sequences.

Notice Explicative Document

To download the Notice Explicative document that will accompany the FEC file, see Notice Explicative Document for FEC Submission. This file is downloadable as PDF.

Best Practices for FEC Compliance

You can generate the FEC report by using the France Localization SuiteApp.

This section contains the best practices for generating a compliant FEC report in both SuiteApps:

  • Ensure that dates are entered in the correct order and must follow the correct relation to the Fiscal Year. Specifically:

    • On Sales and Purchase transaction records, the Document Date, which is used to determine the PieceDate, can be outside of the Fiscal Year. It must also be on or before the Transaction Date.


      Note: The France Localization SuiteApp has the capability to check if the Document Date is set later than the Transaction Date.

    • The Transaction Date, which is used to determine the EcritureDate, must be within the Fiscal Year.

      To make sure the Transaction Date entry is always within the Fiscal Year, you can set the Allow Transaction Date Outside of Posting Period field to Disallow or Warn on the General subtab of the Accounting Preferences page.

    • The GL Numbering Date, which is used to determine ValidDate, can be outside of the Fiscal year, but should not be four months later than the Fiscal Year end date.


      The France Localization SuiteApp provides saved searches that help you check the consistency of dates in the transactions. For more information, see Saved Searches for FEC Compliance.

  • Ensure that Memo fields in transactions are always filled–in. You can:

    • Manually fill–in the Memo field on the transaction record.

    • Set a default value for the Memo field for automated transaction processing. You can do this method using the available validation options. For more information, see Setting Validation and Defaulting Properties.


    The France Localization SuiteApp provides an automatic memo fill feature that works on Bill Payments, and Item Receipts created from Purchase Order, Return Authorization, and Inbound Shipment. For more information, see Automatic Memo Fill. Saved searches are also available so that you can check which accounts have been assigned an account number, and if it is in the correct format. For more information, see Saved Searches for FEC Compliance.

  • Ensure that your account numbers are in the correct format. The first digit must be any number from 1 to 7, and the second and third digits must be any number from 0 to 9. The France Localization SuiteApp evaluates account number formats to ensure compliance. For more information, see Account Number Format Evaluation.

For more information about the requirements for generating the FEC file, see Prerequisites for Generating the France FEC Files.

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