Running GL Audit Numbering Sequences

The GL Audit Numbering feature enables you to set up and run two types of GL audit numbering sequences: permanent and repeatable. When you run a permanent GL audit numbering sequence, the number assigned to a GL impacting transaction cannot be changed. You can, however, modify the details of the original GL impacting transaction. When you run a repeatable GL audit numbering sequence, you can re-run the numbering sequence on GL impacting transactions as often as required to address gaps in numbering that might occur due to adjustments made to your GL.


Re-running a repeatable numbering sequence renumbers transactions and may assign a number different from the previously assigned number.

If your company is located in a country where the general ledger impact of a transaction must be locked to the general ledger and must not be changed, an administrator can check the GL Impact Locking box on the Company Information page. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, an administrator can check the GL Impact Locking box on any subsidiary record. When you use GL Impact Locking for a company or a subsidiary, any change to a GL impacted field or entity field on a GL numbered impacting transaction after running a GL audit numbering sequence automatically generates copy and reversal transactions. These transactions display on the GL Impact subtab on the standard form of the original general ledger impacted transaction. For more information, see GL Impact Locking.

Both permanent and repeatable GL audit numbering sequences are run from the GL Audit Numbering page. You can access this page from the GL Audit Numbering task on the period close checklist and on demand at Transactions > Management > GL Audit Numbering Sequences > Run.

Information that appears on this page includes the sequence name and type. Subsidiaries and accounting books defined in the sequence set up display on this page. Prefixes, suffixes, number length, starting number, and recurring information display on this page. This page also provides how a sequence is ordered, the last number assigned in a previous run, last run date and by who, and the status of the run. If the status is Invalid-see details, click the link to access a GL audit numbering review of the invalid run. Finally, whether the sequence is copied to the next period for an available run. The next period is a link for access to the details of the next period run.


You can view only those subsidiaries to which you have been granted access.

To run GL numbering sequences:

  1. If you accessed the GL Audit Numbering page from the period close checklist, the available GL audit numbering sequences are specific to the accounting period that you are closing.

    If you accessed the GL Audit Numbering page from Transactions > Management > GL Audit Numbering Sequences > Run, select the type of accounting period and the available open period for which you want to run numbering sequences.

    In NetSuite OneWorld, you can select a different period type based on the subsidiary for which you are setting up the GL audit numbering sequence.

    The default period type is the type specified at Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences > General subtab in the GL Audit Numbering Method list. For more information, see Enabling GL Audit Numbering and Setting Preferences.

  2. To set up a new GL audit numbering sequence, click New Sequence. For details on setting up a GL audit numbering sequence, see Setting Up a GL Audit Numbering Sequence.

  3. Check the box next to each GL audit numbering sequence that you want to run.

  4. Click Validate to verify that the existing GL audit numbering sequence is gapless.

    The validation process provides the status of the GL audit numbering sequence: Valid, Invalid Re-Run, or Running. Any unnumbered transaction included in the GL audit numbering sequence returns the status Invalid or Re-Run.

    Click Run to run the GL audit numbering sequence.


    If you use the Multi-Book Accounting feature, clicking Validate and Run processes all of the selected GL audit numbering sequences in all of the selected accounting books.


    If you use year end closing and year end journal entries exist, running a GL audit numbering sequence sequentially numbers the journal entries.

  5. If you accessed the GL Audit Numbering page from the period close checklist, click Back to Period Close to return to the period close checklist.

    If you accessed the GL Audit Numbering page from Transactions > Management > GL Audit Numbering Sequences > Run, click Edit or View next to a specific GL audit numbering sequence to access the GL Audit Numbering Sequence page and details for that sequence.

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