Reviewing Transactions Before Running a Numbering Sequence

The GL Audit Numbering Review page lists the transactions available for numbering in a GL audit numbering sequence. This page is useful when you want to verify that the transactions are accurate before assigning a GL audit number.


If your company uses a transaction approval process, general ledger impacting transactions are not assigned a GL audit number until they are approved or reviewed. Then, these transactions are available for GL audit numbering and posting. If you use GL Impact Locking for your company or any subsidiary, the general ledger impact of the transaction is locked when the transaction is assigned the GL audit number, regardless of approval requirement.


You must have View level or above of the Make Journal Entry permission to see the GL impact of any transaction.

You can access the GL Audit Numbering Review page at Transactions > Management > GL Audit Numbering Sequences > Review.

The default GL Audit Numbering Review page provides an Edit and View, or View links depending on the transaction’s edit state.

If you edit a general ledger impacting transaction that was numbered through a permanent GL audit numbering sequence and you use GL Impact Locking for a company or subsidiary, NetSuite generates a GL impact adjustment copy and a GL impact adjustment reversal transaction to preserve the original transaction general ledger impact before the change under the same GL audit number. The original (source) transaction after the general ledger change represents the real values in the system.

Other line-level transaction details provided include the following:


The entity (name) is stored on the GL impact adjustment copy and GL impact adjustment reversal transaction. However, changing the entity on a transaction numbered through a GL audit numbering sequence typically does not automatically generate the GL impact adjustment copy and GL impact adjustment reversal transactions. If the transaction includes a line that references an A/R or A/P account type, GL impact adjustment copy and GL impact adjustment reversal transactions are automatically generated.

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