Impact of Modifying Sales Orders on FEFO Lot Assignments

This section explains the impact on assignments when you make changes to the sales orders. The following points are applicable only to sales order line items that have the location preference Assign Lots on Order Fulfillment not checked. If line level location is not set, then the header level location is checked.

For more information about sales orders, see Sales Orders.

Modifying Sales Orders Using Web Services Integration

When you update sales orders using web services integration, the FEFO Lot Assignments related functionality does not apply. For example, assume that you updated the ship date using web services integration. The SuiteApp does not remove assignments and commitments from the sales order line items.

Related Topics

Commit and Assign Lots
Creating FEFO Shelf Life Groups
Creating Commit Groups
Assigning Commit Groups and FEFO Shelf Life Groups to Items
Creating FEFO Customer Shelf Life Groups
Lot Assignments Script
Adding Lot Assignments Manually
Removing Lot Assignments
Guidelines for Importing Sales Orders Using CSV Files

General Notices