Creating Areas of Focus for Your Direct Reports

If you are a manager, you can provide guidance to your direct reports by creating areas of focus for them. After you create an area of focus for a direct report, your direct report can edit, delete, or archive their own areas of focus as needed. You can create areas of focus for your direct reports on performance reviews or on the Goals page. For more information about creating an area of focus for a direct report on their performance review, see Completing Performance Reviews as the Reviewer.

Creating Areas of Focus for Your Direct Reports

You can create an area of focus for a direct report in the Employee Center from the Goals page.

To create an area of focus for a direct report:

  1. From the home screen of your Employee Center role, go to Talent > Goals.

  2. From the My Team list, select a direct report.

  3. Click the View Areas of Focus for “Employee’s Name” link. For example, if you select John Smith from your My Team list, you will click the following link: View Areas of Focus for John Smith.

  4. Click the Current subtab.

  5. Enter an area of focus for the employee, then click Add.

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