Completing Performance Reviews as the Reviewer

If you are a reviewer for employee performance reviews, you can start completing performance reviews after employees submit their self reviews. You can read employees’ self review responses and provide your own reflection on their performance for the review period. This includes answering review questions and rating employees’ overall performance.

When performance reviews launch, you receive an email notification. The notification includes the self review due date and the due date for your review. After employees submit their self reviews, you receive another notification.

To help you reflect on the employee’s performance, the performance review includes the following:

The context panel on the right side of the employee’s performance review shows all goals the employee worked on and all Kudos the employee received during the review period.

To complete a performance review as the reviewer:


In the Areas of Focus section, you can view the employee’s current and archived areas of focus. For more information on how to manage an employee’s area of focus as a manager, see Creating Areas of Focus for Your Direct Reports.

  1. From the home screen of your Employee Center role, go to Talent > Performance Reviews.

  2. Next to the employee’s performance review, click Edit.

  3. In the Reflection section, enter responses to the questions.

  4. In the Overall Rating section, select a rating for the employee’s overall performance during the period, and enter comments to support that rating.

  5. Either save or submit the review:

    • To save a draft of the review, click Save.

    • To submit the performance review for Human Resources approval, click Submit.

After you submit the performance review, you cannot make any other changes to it.

Sending Performance Reviews Back to Employees

Your employees may let you know that they need to make changes to their self reviews. If you have not yet submitted the reviews for Human Resource approval, you can send the reviews back to employees. When you return reviews to employees, your draft responses are saved, but employees cannot see your responses. Employees can make edits to their self reviews, and then they can submit their reviews to you again.


If a performance review is returned to you, you will receive an email notification for it.

To send a performance review back to an employee:

  1. From the home screen of your Employee Center role, go to Talent > Performance Reviews.

  2. Beside a performance review, click Edit.

  3. Click Save and Return to Employee.

  4. In the confirmation message, click Save and Return to Employee.

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