Syncing Refund for Orders Deleted from NetSuite

If an order is deleted from NetSuite and refunded in the marketplace or cart, NetSuite Connector is not able to post a refund. The reason is that the order needs to exist for syncing a refund but the order is already deleted from NetSuite.

Canceling a Refund that is Trying to Sync

The following procedure can be used to cancel the posting of a specific refund to NetSuite or the storefront. This procedure is needed when a refund is generating an error on syncing and you are unable to resolve the error. After resolving the error, make sure you take the necessary steps in the storefront and NetSuite to account for the refund.

To cancel a refund that is trying to sync:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the required connector and then select the relevant account.

  3. Go to Data Flows > Other Transactions.

  4. Perform one of the following actions:

    • If syncing refund from the marketplace or cart, then from the Source Channel dropdown list, select the marketplace or cart.

    • If syncing refund to the marketplace or cart, then from the Source Channel dropdown list, select NetSuite.

  5. From the Transaction Type dropdown list, select the transaction type.

  6. Locate the transaction from the list that you want to refund, hover over the Action icon for that transaction and select Cancel.

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