Deleting or Canceling Refunds in NetSuite Connector

The delete refund and cancel refund operations serve two different purposes in NetSuite Connector.

Deleting a Refund from NetSuite Connector

When you delete a refund in NetSuite Connector, you remove all the refund data only from NetSuite Connector. The refund is not deleted from the storefront or NetSuite. NetSuite Connector can sync the refund again if the refund has a status in the storefront or NetSuite, depending on the direction of refund.

To delete a refund from NetSuite Connector:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the connector and the relevant account.

  3. Go to Data Flows > Other Transactions.

  4. On the refund row that you want to delete, hover over the Action menu (pencil icon) and click Delete from FarApp.

    A popup window appears to confirm the action of removing the refund from NetSuite Connector.

  5. Click OK.

Canceling a Refund in NetSuite Connector

When you cancel a refund, NetSuite Connector ignores the refund and stops syncing refund information from the storefront or NetSuite, depending on the direction of sync. NetSuite Connector keeps the canceled refund’s data but considers the refund as closed and does not take any action on the refund. Canceling refunds is commonly used in the following scenarios:

To cancel a refund in NetSuite Connector:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the connector and the relevant account.

  3. Go to Data Flows > Other Transactions.

  4. On the refund row that you want to cancel, hover over the Action menu (pencil icon) and click Cancel.

    The refund is canceled and the status of the order shows as Canceled.

Reverting a Canceled Refund

If you canceled a refund in error, you can always revert the canceled refund.

To revert a canceled refund:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the connector and the relevant account.

  3. Go to Data Flows > Other Transactions.

  4. On the refund row that you want to revert, hover over the Action menu (pencil icon) and click Uncancel.

Deleting and Canceling Refunds in Bulk

You can delete or cancel multiple refunds in bulk.

To delete or cancel orders in bulk:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the connector and the relevant account.

  3. Go to Data Flows > Other Transactions.

  4. From the refunds list, check the boxes next to the refunds that you want to delete or cancel.

  5. Perform one of the following actions:

    • To delete the selected refunds, from the Bulk Actions dropdown list, select Delete Selected.

    • To cancel the selected refunds, from the Bulk Actions dropdown list, select Cancel Selected.

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