Manually Processing Bills and Expenses from Primary or Secondary Banks

You cannot process bills, expenses, and partner and employee commissions in batches if you do not have an active Electronic Bank Payments license. However, you can still process outstanding bills, commissions, journals, and expenses by manually selecting the payment transactions from the Bill Payments list. Processing includes term or early settlement discounts and bill credit or credit memo transactions.

For OneWorld accounts, if you want to process payments for a vendor’s secondary subsidiary, your role must have access to the secondary subsidiary. For more information, see Setting Up Roles and Permissions.

For more information about roles, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.


Make sure that the bills and expenses that you want to generate payment files for have previously been entered in NetSuite. For more information, see Vendor Bills and Enter an Expense Report.

You can also select multiple bills to process. A single payment file is created for all selected transactions.

You can process payments from primary or secondary entity banks for vendors. Using the Entity Bank list on the EFT subtab for transactions, select the entity bank. You can select entity bank of any subsidiary for the transaction. For more information, see Global Payments – Process Payments for Entities from Primary or Secondary Banks. Submit payment files for processing transactions with an entity bank on the Global Bill Payment Processing page.

To process bills and expenses manually from primary or secondary banks:

  1. Go to Payments > Payment Processing > Global Bill Payment Processing.


    If the Vendor Payments preference for Approval Routing (Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences > Approval Routing) is enabled, you will not be able to manually process vendor bill payments using Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp. If you want payment batches to go through an approval process before they can be sent to the bank, use the EFT Payment Batch Approval Routing. For more information, see help topic Setting Up Approval Routing for Payment Batches.

  2. Complete the following fields:



    Bank Account

    Select your company bank account where the payment transactions should be posted.

    The payment file format, maximum number of payments, and subsidiary of the payment file are based on the bank account that you select.

    A/P Account

    Select the accounts payable register where the payments are posted.


    An A/P Account that is included in a batch is removed from the selection list. Instead, you should see the A/P account listed in the company bank record along with the enabled Process Bills Automatically option. For more information, see the Setting Up Company Bank Records topic for your country or Processing Bills and Expenses in Batches.

    When you select an A/P account, the Select Transactions subtab automatically displays the account's list of outstanding bills, expenses, and journal entries.


    On the Bill Payment Batch page, the list of transactions are displayed on the Select Transactions tab. The list does not include bills placed on payment hold. For more information, see Managing Payment Holds.

    Date to be processed

    This field displays the date when the record is first created. Specify the date when you want the bank to process the payment transaction.

    Posting Period

    Select the accounting period where the bills payments should be posted.

    EFT File Reference Note

    Enter notes to display in the header portion of the generated EFT file.

    Aggregate by Payee and Entity Bank

    This box is checked by default if the Aggregate By Payee (EFT) box is checked on the Electronic Payments Preferences page. Check this box to group payments for a particular vendor, customer, partner or employee into a single payment transaction. Clear this box if you want to create payment transactions for every bill or expense report.


    To check or clear the Aggregate by Payee and Entity Bank box by default, go to Payments > Setup > Electronic Payments Preferences. On the General Preference subtab, check or clear the Aggregate By Payee (EFT) box.


    This option is required to process transactions with discounts and credits.

    Number of Transactions

    This field displays the number of outstanding payment transactions that are marked for processing in the Select Transactions list.

    Total Payment Amount

    This field displays the total amount of outstanding payment transactions that are marked for processing in the Select Transactions list.


    In accounts where the bank and base currencies are different, the bank currency is used for the Total Payment Amount.

  3. Select values in the following fields to narrow down the list of outstanding payment transactions for processing:



    Transaction Type

    Use this field to narrow down the list of outstanding payment transactions to either bills or expenses.

    The list of outstanding payment transactions is automatically updated based on the value you select in this field.

    Due date from, to

    Use this field to narrow down the list of outstanding payment transactions by their due date.

    • Use the Due date from field to list transactions that are due on or later than the specified date.

    • Use the Due date to field to list transactions that are due on or before the specified date.

    • Use both fields to list transactions that are due within a range of dates.

  4. On the Select Transactions subtab, in the Pay column, check the box for the bills and expenses that you want to process. You can also check credit transactions, if any, to be applied to a bill.


    When applying vendor credits and customer credit memos, be sure to select the bill and bill credit for the same payee. For multi-currency transactions, be sure to select the bill and bill credit for the same payee and in the same currency. For transactions associated to different entity banks, be sure to select the bill and bill credit for the same payee, currency and entity bank combination


    To display the Name column, go to Payments > Setup > Electronic Payments Preferences, click the General Preference subtab, and then check the Include Name in Transaction List box.

    The following columns of the transactions list are automatically updated for your selected transactions:

    • Payment Amount – This field is automatically updated with the amount due for the selected transactions. For vendor and customer credit transactions, this amount shows the exact value in the Amount Remaining field. You can edit the amount if you want to enter a partial credit.

    • The following columns apply to bills with early payment discounts:

      • Discount Amount – This field displays the maximum discount amount that can be applied to the transaction, based on the terms defined on the bill. You can edit the amount to enter a partial discount or remove the discount from the transaction. The discount amount must be an addition of Discount Amount and Payment Amount and cannot be greater than the amount remaining for the transactions.

        Discount Amount + Payment Amount <= Amount Remaining.

        The payment amount is automatically updated to display the recalculated amount with the applied discount.

      • Discount Date – This field displays the last day to apply or use the discount before it expires.

    In the Payment Information section, the following fields are also automatically updated:

    • Number of Transactions – This field displays the total number of bills, expenses, and credits that you selected for payment processing.

    • Total Payment Amount – This field displays the sum of the values in the Payment Amount column.

    • Installment Reference Number – This field displays the installment number which is being paid when the bills are retrieved.

    Use the following fields and controls to filter the transactions list:

    • Select Page – Select a range of pages to display transactions included in those pages.

    • Transactions Per Page – Select the number of rows to be displayed per page.

    • Use the Mark All or Unmark All button to check or clear the box for all transactions in the list.


    The Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp currently processes up to 5,000 open bills at a time. If you are processing more than 5,000 open bills, only the first 5,000 bills are selected for processing.

  5. Click the Exchange Rates subtab and change the values in the Exchange Rate field if you want to use an exchange rate other than the Currency Exchange Rates set up in your NetSuite account. For more information, see Currency Exchange Rates.

  6. Click Submit.

    You are redirected to the payment file record on the Payment File Administration page.

  7. Click Refresh until the value in the File Processed? field changes from Queued to Processed.

    When processed, a confirmation message is sent to your email address. The email message confirms that the payment file generation was successful or an error message indicating that the payment file generation failed.

  8. Click the download link in the File Reference field to save a copy of the payment file to your local drive.

    You can electronically send the file format to your bank or upload the file to your bank's electronic payment system.

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