Setting Schedules for Payment Batches

Set schedules for automatically creating or approving open payment batches of a bank account. For each schedule, you can specify the time and frequency at which batches are created or routed for approval.


Alternatively, without using payment schedules, you can route all open batches of a bank account for approval when you submit them on the Payment Batch List. For more information, see Processing Bills and Expenses in Batches.

On company bank records, assign payment schedules to saved searches that are used to retrieve transactions for a payment batch. Payment schedules are handled by a script deployment that has a default schedule, which you can update according to your business requirements. For more information, see the following topics:

To set schedules for payment batches:

  1. Go to Payments > Setup > Payment Schedule > New.

  2. Enter a name for this schedule.

  3. Select the time zone for this schedule.

    The Time Zone field displays the time zone setting of your NetSuite account. Your NetSuite account's time zone setting is used as a reference when scheduling the payment batch creation or submission for approval.

  4. In the Event Type field, select whether this schedule is for creating or routing a batch for approval.

    • Closing – schedule that submits payment batches for approval. The status of the payment batch is changed from Open to Pending Approval.

    • Creation – schedule that creates or updates open payment batches.

  5. On the Recurrence subtab, do the following: select your preferred time interval.

    1. Set your preferred time interval.


      Based on your interval settings, the Next Scheduled Date field automatically is updated with the date of the next payment batch creation or approval routing.

      • To set intervals by number of days, select Daily Event from the first field and then set the frequency to either of the following options:

        Field Value


        Repeat every

        To set the frequency by a certain number of days:

        • Select Repeat every from the second field.

        • Enter the number of days in the third field.

        Repeat every weekday

        To set the frequency to daily, except on weekends, select Repeat every weekday from the second field.

      • To set intervals by number of weeks, select Weekly Event from the first field and then set the frequency in the following fields:



        Repeat every

        Enter the number of weeks before the next payment batches are created or approved.

        week(s) on

        Select the day of the week when payment batches are created or approved.

      • To set a monthly schedule, select Monthly Event from the first field and then set the frequency to either of the following options:

        Field Value



        To set the frequency to a specific calendar day of the month:

        • Select Day from the second field.

        • In the third field, enter a number from 1 to 31 for the particular day of every month when payment batches are created or approved.

          For example, you entered 25 for the day. If the current date is April 2, the next payment batch creation or approval is scheduled on April 25.


        To set the frequency to a specific day of the week per month:

        • Select The from the second field.

        • In the third field, select the week number within the month from the following options: first, second, third, fourth, or last.

        • In the fourth field, select the day of the week from the following options: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

          For example, you selected third for the week number and Tuesday for the day of the week. If the current date is April 2, the next payment batch creation or approval is scheduled on the third Tuesday of April.

    2. In the Start Time field, select the time when you want to start the payment batch creation or submission for approval.

  6. Click Save.


Automated batch payment processing requires the Electronic Bank Payments license and the NetSuite SuiteApps License Client to be installed in the account. If your license expires, existing payment schedules that automatically creates the payment batches will no longer run. As soon as you renew your license, you must update your payment schedule record. For more information, see Update Payment Schedule After Advanced Electronic Bank Payments License is Renewed, SuiteAnswers ID 81975.

Viewing and updating the script deployment for payment schedules

The script deployment, customdeploy_8859_batch_processing_ss, handles the script for batch payment schedules. To view the deployment record, go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments. From the list of deployments, look for the record ID under the ID column.

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