
In payment rollback, the payment file is deleted and all its associated payments are deleted. Credits are not included in a payment rollback. Any credit transactions are still applied to a bill or invoice.


Use Rollback to delete payments created using the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp. Deleting payments directly from the payment record may result to duplicate transactions in payment batches and the EP_00016 error in your next payment run.


You can roll back payments within 24 hours after the payment file has been generated if the bank has not yet processed the associated payment file.

To cancel payments:

  1. Go to Payments > Payment Processing > Payments File Administration.

  2. Click View next to the payment file that you want to cancel.

  3. Click Rollback. On the confirmation message that appears, click OK.

    The value in the File Processed? field changes to Queued.

    You can change the priority of the rollback process for the payment file by clicking Edit, and changing the value in the Priority Queue field.

  4. Click Refresh until the value in the File Processed? field changes to Canceled. The payment file is deleted and all its associated payments are canceled.

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