Enabling NSPOS Features in NetSuite ERP

This topic covers issues that might occur when enabling or disabling NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) features using the Enable Features page in NetSuite ERP. You can find features settings under the NSPOS tab on your NetSuite ERP home page or by going to:

Setup > Company > Enable Features


Before making a feature change in your production environment, you should test each change first to verify its impact on your NSPOS setup.

Payment Instruments

This section describes possible issues that could arise through enabling a Payment Instruments feature.


Enabling the FreedomPay payment instruments feature might cause issues in these areas. If you experience an issue, contact NetSuite Customer Support for assistance.

  • Tender Restriction setting might not function for NetSuite ERP returns. This issue means you cannot restrict the tender type or make a swipe-free return from NetSuite ERP

  • FreedomPay token creation and storage might not work as expected


Currently, NSPOS does not support integration with the NetSuite SuiteTax application. We plan to offer this integration in the future for our customers who want to use SuiteTax. When the integration is set up, tested, and released, we will send an announcement to let you know.

You should not enable SuiteTax in your account. The resulting tax data will not be useable, and your business will be impacted with no quick fix.


Do not enable the NetSuite application SuiteTaxes. Enabling SuiteTaxes will disable the NetSuite data your environment uses now for tax calculations. Restoring your tax setup through a new implementation can require significant time and effort, and can cause you to incur additional costs.

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