Working with Project Records

After you have saved a project record, you can begin building your project schedule. In addition, NetSuite updates fields on the project record as work is completed on your project.

Schedule subtab

After you save a project record, the Schedule subtab shows on the project record. The Schedule subtab is a workspace to enter and modify project tasks, as well as track task progress.

For more details about the Schedule subtab, read Working with the Project Schedule.

NetSuite updates the following fields as work is completed on your project:

Project Overview

Project Dates


Under Estimates:

The Financial subtab also shows a list of service items associated with this project, and shows the following amounts for each item:

Profit & Loss Subtab

If you use Job Costing and Project Budgeting, after you have saved the project record, a P&L subtab displays real-time information about the profitability of your project. The revenue, cost, profit, and margin are listed for project labor, expenses, and supplies. The categories listed are also used for defining budgets. For more information, see Setting Up Project Budgeting.


If you use Job Costing and Project Budgeting, after you have saved the project record, a Budget subtab is available to enter cost and billing project budgets. For more information, see Project Budgeting.


The Communication subtab enables you to track important communications about this project within NetSuite. Keeping all of this information in a single place gives you the ability to access any important project information right from the project record.

To enter communications for a project record:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Projects and click Edit next to the project record you want to enter communications for.

  2. Click the Communications subtab.

  3. On the Phone Calls subtab, enter or log phone calls related to this project.

  4. Use the Tasks subtab to view and enter CRM tasks associated with this project.

    For more information on tasks, read Working with CRM Tasks.

  5. On the Files subtab, you can select and add files from the File Cabinet that are associated with this customer. For example, you can attach a contract as a file associated with this project.

    Select -New- to upload a new file to the File Cabinet.

  6. On the User Notes subtab, add and track notations about this project.

  7. When you have finished, click Save.

For more information, see Attaching Events, Tasks, and Calls to Records and Transactions.

A/P – A/R Details

If you use Sequential Liability, the A/P – A/R Details subtab is available so you can view payable and receivable transactions for the project. This subtab is only available when viewing the project record. For more information, see Sequential Liability SuiteApp.

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General Notices