Chart of Accounts Mapping


Please contact your sales or account representative to find out how to get the Full Multi-Book Accounting feature. The assistance of NetSuite Professional Services or a Multi-Book authorized partner is required to implement this feature. You should consider contacting NetSuite Professional Services or a Multi-Book authorized partner for assistance in setting up the Adjustment-Only Books feature, even though it is not required.


Multi-Book Accounting, including the Adjustment-Only Books feature, is available only in NetSuite OneWorld.

Chart of Accounts Mapping in Full Multi-Book Accounting is enabled through NetSuite Professional Services. The feature enables you to configure secondary accounting books to post to accounts that are different from those the primary book uses for posting. Unless differences are specifically mapped, secondary accounting books use the same account values for transactions as the primary book.

To use this feature, you must first enable it. See Enabling Multi-Book Accounting Features for instructions.

NetSuite maintains a single listing of accounts on the Chart of Accounts page (Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts). To complete the chart of accounts mapping for secondary books, you must first add all of the necessary accounts to the system. For more information, see Chart of Accounts Management.

Chart of accounts mapping provides the rules to determine which accounts to use for different accounting books. To select which mapping rule to use, the system first identifies the source of the account for the transaction. If the account is derived from the item records, the system uses item account mapping rules. If the user determines the account on the transaction record itself, the system uses global account mapping. For instructions to configure the mapping, see Global Account Mapping and Item Account Mapping.


If you do not have a Global Account Mapping or Item Account Mapping rule, you can clear the Chart of Accounts Mapping box on the Enable Features page.

When Chart of Accounts Mapping and Revenue and Expense Management are both enabled, the account source for mapping revenue recognition and expense amortization transactions may be either the item or the transaction form. For more information, see Revenue Recognition and Expense Amortization with Chart of Accounts Mapping.

Both global account mapping and item account mapping rely on dimensions. Each rule must have a unique set of mapping dimension values. If a value is not set for a dimension, the mapping rule applies to all values for that dimension. For more information about mapping dimensions including priority and custom dimensions, see Mapping Dimensions.

Not all accounts can be mapped. If mapping an account could cause data corruption or unexpected results in a report, account mapping is prevented. For more information, see Mapping Restrictions.


Merging an account that is associated with an account mapping rule automatically updates the mapping rule. For more information, see Merging Accounts.

Chart of Accounts Mapping supports CSV imports. For more information about this option, see CSV Imports Overview.

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