Mass Unsubscribing Entities with Bounced Email Addresses

You can use a mass update to unsubscribe entities with invalid email addresses from email campaigns. You can base the mass update on the Hard Bounced field on a record whenever email sent from NetSuite triggers a hard bounce.

To unsubscribe entities with bounced email addresses:

  1. Go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.

  2. Expand General Updates.

    Screenshot of Mass Updates page showing General Updates expanded
  3. Click the type of record you want to unsubscribe.

  4. On the Mass Update page, on the Criteria subtab, select Bounced in the Filter column.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Enter any other criteria for the records you want to unsubscribe.

  7. Click the Mass Update Fields subtab.

  8. Check the box in the Apply column next to Global Subscription Status box.

  9. In the Value column, select Soft Opt-Out.

  10. Click Preview to review the records that will be affected by this update.

  11. On the preview page, click Perform Update.

For information about saving mass updates so they can be reused, see Mass Changes or Updates.

Related Topics

Using the Sent Email List
Managing Bounced Email
Troubleshoot Undelivered Email
Undelivered Emails Saved Search
Invalid Email Address Notification
Viewing the Bounced Email Address List

General Notices