Managing Bounced Email

It is important that a marketer develop a positive sender reputation. One way to do this is to avoid sending email to invalid email addresses. NetSuite tracks when an email message is returned due to invalid address (hard bounce).

NetSuite tracks any address that hard bounced from any email sent from NetSuite including marketing campaigns, mail merge, and transactional email.

When a message sent to an email address results in a hard bounce, NetSuite marks that email address as a hard bounce address. Hard bounced addresses are not sent email through marketing campaigns for a set period of time. To choose how long NetSuite maintains the bounce history of an email address, go to Setup > Company > Email > Email Preferences. In the Remove Email Addresses From Bounced Email Address List After field, enter the number of days NetSuite should keep copies of bounced email addresses.

You can use the search field Bounced to filter recipients with invalid email addresses from your marketing groups. See Choosing Email Recipients.

You can view and manage the list of hard bounced email addresses at Lists > Relationships > Bounced Email Addresses. See Viewing the Bounced Email Address List. See also Remove an Email Address from the Bounced Email Addresses List.

You can create group of recipients based on the type of system response received for them after sending an email campaign. See Creating Groups Based On Campaign Response Count.

For more information about managing bounced email addresses, see the following topics:

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