Review the ADO.NET Data Server Configuration

To connect to the NetSuite account, environment, and role you used to log in, your connection parameters must match the values listed under Your Configuration on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page. You can access the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page using the Set Up Analytics Connect link in the Settings portlet when you are logged in to NetSuite. For more information, see Finding Your Settings Portlet.



Service Host

The host name you should use for your connection is displayed in the Service Host field on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page, under Your Configuration.

Service Port


Service Data Source

Account ID

See your SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page.

Role ID

See your SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page.

The value of the Service Host configuration parameter determines the environment of your NetSuite account. The environment can be Production, Release Preview, or Sandbox. The host name you should use for your connection is displayed in the Service Host field on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page, under Your Configuration.

For information about the data source, see Connect Data Source.

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