Including Information from NetSuite Records in Dunning Templates


Creating templates requires knowledge of XML and FreeMarker.

When creating a dunning template, you can include the following information from NetSuite records:





Contains information from the employee record.

Prefix with employee if obtaining information from the employee record.


Contains information from the customer record.

Prefix with customer if obtaining information from the customer record.


Contains information from the company information record.

Prefix with companyInformation if obtaining information from the company information record.


Contains information from the invoice record.

Prefix with invoice if obtaining information from the invoice record. This is applicable to dunning procedures assigned to invoices.


Contains information from the invoice search result.

This is a special sublist search that can be embedded in the dunning template. This is applicable to dunning procedures assigned to customers.


Contains information from the invoice group record.

Prefix with invoicegroup if obtaining information from the invoice group record for Invoice Groups Dunning. This is applicable to dunning procedures assigned to invoice groups.


Contains the list of invoice groups for customer level dunning.

Prefix with invoicegrouplist if obtaining information from the invoice group record for customer level dunning. This is applicable to dunning procedures assigned to customers.

If you add fields from other record types, no data will be retrieved for those fields.

The following examples show the correct format for the fields in the dunning template:



These fields can be added to both PDF and email template types. The data is sourced from the employee record.




Displays the first name of the dunning manager or dunning director.




Displays the last name of the dunning manager or dunning director.




Displays the middle name of the dunning manager or dunning director.



These fields can be added to both PDF and email template types. The data is sourced from the customer record.




Displays the customer name. Applicable only if the customer is a company.




Displays the customer’s last name. Applicable only if the customer is an individual.




Displays the customer’s middle name. Applicable only if the customer is an individual.




Displays the customer’s first name. Applicable only if the customer is an individual.




Displays the customer’s overdue balance.



These fields can be added to both PDF and email template types. The data is sourced from the invoice record.




Displays the remaining unpaid invoice amount. Applicable only to dunning procedures assigned to invoices.




Displays the currency of the invoice. Applicable only to dunning procedures assigned to invoices.

Invoice List

In addition to NetSuite records, you can also add information from invoice search results. To use the invoice sublist, you must enclose it within <span></span> tags.


<#if invoicelist?has_content>
<#list invoicelist as invoice>
<!-- insert invoice search information here -->


Search columns that you have added to the predefined transaction saved search (customsearch_dunning_invoice) can be added to the invoice sublist. See Including Fields from the Transaction Saved Search in Dunning Templates.

Invoice Group


These fields can be added to both PDF and email template types. The data is sourced from the invoice group record.




Displays the unpaid due amount of the invoices that are part of an invoice group. Applicable only to dunning procedures assigned to invoice groups.




Displays the currency of the invoice group. Applicable only to dunning procedures assigned to invoice groups.




Displays the due date of the invoice group. Applicable only to dunning procedures assigned to invoice groups.




Displays the dunning procedure assigned to the invoice group. Applicable only to dunning procedures assigned to invoice groups.




Displays the invoice group number of the invoice group. Applicable only to dunning procedures assigned to invoice groups.

Invoice Group List

In addition to NetSuite records, you can also add information from invoice group search results. To use the invoice group sublist, you must enclose it within <span></span> tags.


<#list invoicegrouplist as invoicegrouprecord>
<!-- insert invoice group and invoice search information here -->


Search columns that you have added to the predefined transaction saved search (customsearch_dunning_invoicegroup) can be added to the invoice sublist. See Including Fields from the Transaction Saved Search in Dunning Templates.

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