Modifying Exchange Rates Used for Consolidated Amounts

Default conversion for consolidated data uses the Budget Exchange Rates table for budget amounts and the Consolidated Exchange Rates table for actual amounts. You can change this default behavior for a report by modifying its Amount columns on the Edit Columns page of the Financial Report Builder.


You must set up budgets for subsidiaries before you can complete the following procedure. For information, see Subsidiary Budgets in OneWorld.

To modify exchange rates used for consolidated amounts:

  1. Start the Financial Report Builder for the report whose exchange rates for consolidated data you want to modify. For instructions, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.

  2. Click Edit Columns.

  3. If you want to change the rates table used for conversion of budget amounts, expand the Budget folder in the Add Fields pane.

    1. Notice the following fields:

      • Amount – Displays by default and uses the Consolidated Exchange Rates table for conversion.

      • Amount (Budget Rate) – Uses the Budget Exchange Rates table for conversion.

    2. In the Report Preview pane, select the Budget: Amount column, and click Remove Column.

    3. In the Add fields pane, click the Budget: Amount (Exchange Rate) column to add it.

  4. If you want to change the rates table used for conversion of actual amounts, expand the Financial folder in the Add Fields pane.

    1. Notice the following fields:

      • Amount – Displays by default and uses the Consolidated Exchange Rates table for conversion.

      • Amount (Budget Rate) – Uses the Budget Exchange Rates table for conversion.

    2. In the Report Preview pane, select the Financial: Amount column, and click Remove Column.

    3. In the Add fields pane, click the Financial: Amount (Budget Rate) column to add it.

  5. Preview or save the customized report.

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