Navigation Menu

The navigation menu bar is located at the bottom of the header. The tabs in the bar depend on your user role. Users with the Administrator role and users with the Custom Center Tabs permission can create new tabs. For more information, see Creating Center Tabs.

Navigation menu

Notice the ellipsis at the right end of the menu bar. It appears when the page is too narrow to display the full menu. The ellipsis means that more menus are available. When you hover over the ellipsis, the additional menus drop down so that you can access them without scrolling.

All of the tabs expand automatically to become navigation menus when you move your pointer over them. Navigation menus often have multiple levels. Hover over a menu to display submenus, and click a menu option to select it. For example, hovering over the Transactions tab displays the Transactions menu. In the following screenshot, the pointer has followed the Transactions menu to the Bank submenu, then to the Make Deposits menu, and is hovering over Search.

Navigation menu example.

When you select a menu option, the tab remains highlighted to show you the context of the page you are on.

Three of the tabs on the navigation bar use icons instead of words. These are:


Your personal settings and preferences are accessible from the Settings portlet on your Home page dashboard. For more information, see Settings Portlet.

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