Deferred Revenue Rollforward Summary Report

This topic is for the Advanced Revenue Management report. For the classic revenue recognition context, see Deferred Revenue Rollforward Summary. The topics are similar, but the related reports are different.

The Deferred Revenue Rollforward Summary report includes the following columns:

An unlabeled line in this report includes transactions with items that do not have an associated deferred revenue account.

To view this report:

  1. Go to Revenue > Revenue Reports > Deferred Revenue Rollforward.

  2. Adjust the values for Date, To, and From.

  3. Select a single subsidiary value (not consolidated) in the Subsidiary Context filter if you have a OneWorld account and access to multiple subsidiaries. When you run a consolidated report, the calculation of the Variance column is different.

  4. Select a value in the Accounting Book filter if you are using Multi-Book Accounting and have access to multiple accounting books.

  5. Click Refresh to apply your filters.

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