Setting Up Warranty Information on the Item Record

After setting up Warranty and Repairs Management, the Warranty Information subtab is added to item records of supported item types. On this subtab, you can enable the Track Warranty preference and set the default warranty information. For assembly items, in particular, you can map one or more repaired items.

Before you can add warranty information to items, be sure to enable required features listed in the Prerequisites topic.

To set up warranty information:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. On the Items page, click the Edit link for the item record.

  3. For assembly items, select the Warranty Assembly Item Form in the Custom Form field. You can skip this step for other items.

  4. On the item record, click the Warranty Information subtab and then check the Track Warranty box.

  5. In the Warranty Terms field, select a term from the list, or select New to create a new term.

  6. Set up the following fields for specific items:

    • For Fixed terms – In the Warranty Expiration field, enter the expiration date, or click the Calendar icon to pick the date.

    • For assembly items – in the Repaired Item field, select a repaired item from the list.

      To add more repaired items to the list, see Creating Repaired Items.


      Repaired items are used during processing of repair claims. For more information, see Creating a Sales Order for Repair Claims.

  7. Click Save.

During warranty registration, you can change the default settings or information from the item record. For more information, see Warranty Registration.

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