Gift Card Track Data Specifications

Gift card track data must be formatted in a specific way for it to be readable in NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS). This formatting follows ISO standards (ISO/IEC_7813) for cards with magnetic stripes. The following are the requirements and options for using gift cards in NSPOS retail operations.

Gift Card Numbering

Gift card numbers must meet these requirements:


Avoid using numbering schemes from which it is possible to determine future numbers by reviewing numbers previously issued. For example, do not use sequential numbers.

Gift Cards numbers should be generated using a cryptographically-secure random number generator and of sufficient length. These security requirements apply to all gift cards issued through NSPOS.

Gift Card numbering example

Authorization Codes – Printed or NSPOS Generated

NSPOS provides two options for handling authorization codes – Printed on the gift card by the card provider or generated by NSPOS at the point of sale.


Both methods for handling authorization codes require specific configuration to your NSPOS setup. The default gift card configuration supports authorization codes generated by NSPOS.

If you need to configure NSPOS to work with pre-printed gift card authorization codes – or you are not sure your current setup meets your business needs – contact NetSuite Advanced Customer Support (ACS) or Professional Services (PS).

Authorization Code Printed on Gift Card

Card providers can print an authorization code on a gift card and embed it in the track information, such as in the magnetic stripe. With this method, the card’s code is used to create the gift card in NetSuite.

Authorization codes must follow these rules:

example pre-printed gift card number and authorization code example pre-printed gift card track 1 and 2 information example pre-printed gift card track details, including card number, expiration date, and authorization code

Special characters included in track information:


The percent-sign % character used to start Track 1 is optional. The question mark ? character ending Track 2 is optional.


The pipe character | separating Track 1 and Track 2 is optional. If you cannot use a pipe, the separator becomes ?; only.

Example Printed Gift Card Tracks:

Authorization Code Generated by NSPOS, not printed on gift card

With this method, gift cards do not contain an authorization code. Instead, NetSuite generates the code at the point of sale.

example NSPOS-generated gift card track 1 and 2 information example NSPOS-generated gift card with recipient's name on card and card number

Special characters included in track information:


The percent-sign % character used to start Track 1 is optional. The question mark ? character ending Track 2 is optional.


The pipe character | separating Track 1 and Track 2 is optional. If you cannot use a pipe, the separator becomes ?; only.

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General Notices