Forecast by Item Detail Report

The Forecast by Item Detail report shows the sales forecast for each item and the transactions that make up that forecast.


If you use the Advanced Forecasting feature, only estimates with the forecast type set to Most Likely display a monetary value in this report. However, estimates with forecast type Upside are visible and recorded in the Quantity Sold column. If you also want to display estimates with forecast type Worst Case, customize the report and add the field Maximum Quantity Sold. This displays the total estimated items sold across all forecast types.

For more information on forecasting, read Sales Forecasting.


If you customize this report by adding an additional column, ensure that you understand the type of information the new column will provide. Columns with similar descriptive headings provide different values. For example, the Est. Gross Profit (transaction) column provides results that are different from the Est. Gross Profit (Line) column. The Est. Gross Profit (transaction) column searches lines that satisfy the criteria and then sums the transaction level gross profit for each line. The Est. Gross Profit (Line) column searches lines that satisfy the criteria and then sums the line level gross profit for each line.

To view the Forecast by Item Detail report:

Go to Forecast > Reports > Forecast by Item > Detail.

A popup message appears in the middle of your screen indicating that your report is loading. You can click Cancel next to the status bar to stop the report from loading. Reports can take some time to load. If you would like to work on something else while your report loads, click Alert me when ready at the bottom of the message. You will receive an email with a link to the report when it is ready for viewing.

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