A/P Aging Detail Report

An Accounts Payable Aging report shows all unpaid bills in your accounts payable. In NetSuite, the A/P Aging Detail report shows individual bills owed each vendor, the age or exact number of days past due of each bill, the open balances for each vendor and a grand total for all vendors.

In NetSuite, someone with permission to access the Accounting Preferences page can choose to age bills and invoices by due dates or transaction dates.

The A/P Aging Detail report includes the following sections:

The A/P Aging Detail report is customizable. For more information, see Report Customization.

To see an A/P Aging Detail report:

Go to Reports > Vendors/Payables > A/P Aging > Detail.

A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar in the footer of the report indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report next to the status bar to stop the report from loading.


Debit and credit journal entries against identical accounts for the same entity value do not impact the general ledger, and therefore do not appear in the A/P Aging Detail report.

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