Formatting Dates and Numbers for VAT Reports

For each nexus associated with your subsidiaries, define how dates and numbers are displayed on VAT reports. The formats that you set up are applied to the VAT form, PDF, and drilldown reports. Note that the normal behavior of Microsoft Excel is to follow the regional settings of the computer, not the browser. Your computer's regional settings control how numbers, dates, and currencies are displayed in Excel.

If you have a OneWorld account, all amounts are reported in the base currency of the subsidiary. If you do not have a OneWorld account, amounts are reported based on the currency in the Company Information page. The applicable currency symbol is shown on the PDF, drilldown report, and Excel file.

The Formatting setup page for dates and numbers can be accessed from the VAT report page at Reports > VAT/GST > Tax Reports (International).

Anyone who has access to the VAT report page for a particular nexus can set up the date and number formats for that nexus. When set, the formats are applied to VAT reports of that nexus, regardless of subsidiary.

If you have not set up the formats for the VAT dates and numbers, NetSuite uses the logged in user's preferences for date, long date, number, negative number, and reporting period defined on the General Preferences (Setup > Company > General Preferences) for NetSuite accounts, and on the Preferences subtab of the subsidiary record (Setup > Company > Subsidiaries) for NetSuite OneWorld accounts. The Formatting setup page on the VAT form provides more options. When the date and number formatting for a VAT report has been set up for a nexus, NetSuite overrides the logged in user's preferences.

To set up date and number formatting for a VAT report:

  1. Go to Reports > VAT/GST > Tax Reports (International).

  2. On the Tax Reports page, select a subsidiary.

  3. Select a country form.

  4. On the VAT form, click Setup, and then click Formatting.

  5. On the Formatting setup page, select the formats of the dates and numbers to display on the VAT report.

    1. Date Format – Select a format for the short form of the date. The date appears on the Detailed Report page (drilldown report) and on the System Notes.

    2. Long Date Format – Select a format for the long form of the date. The long date appears on the footer of the PDF.

    3. Negative Number Format – Select a format for negative numbers.

    4. Number Format – Select a format for numbers and decimal indicators.

    5. Use Tax Period Name – Check this box to use the tax period names from the Tax Period fields of the VAT form. (These are the period names defined in your tax period setup.) If this box checked, the Reporting Period Separator, Monthly Format, Quarterly Format, and Year Format preferences are disabled.

    6. Reporting Period Separator – Select a format for the separator between the start and end dates. The separator applies to monthly and quarterly periods.

    7. Monthly Format – Select a format for the monthly reporting period.

    8. Quarterly Format – Select a format for the quarterly reporting period.

    9. Year Format – Select a format for the annual reporting period.

  6. Click Save.

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