Copying and Importing Item Records

You can copy an existing item record to create a new item record of the same type for similar a item. This is useful to enter multiple item records that contain a lot of the same information.

To copy item records:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. Click View next to an existing item record to use as a template.

  3. On the item record, click Make Copy.

    On the new record, all fields except Item Name/Number autofill with the information from the original item record.

  4. Enter an item name and verify or update the item information.

  5. Click Save.

The Make Copy button is available only to users who have permission to create item records.

The Make Copy button is not available for Matrix items.

CSV Import

You can also import items using Comma Separated Value (CSV) files. This can be an efficient way to enter existing item records into NetSuite. For more information, click Help. Under User Guides, click CSV Import Guide.

The following topics provide additional information on item records and subtabs:

Related Topics

General Notices