Partially Receiving a Purchase Order

If you receive only part of a purchase order, you can indicate what was received and bill the order based on those quantities.

To receive part of a purchase order:

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases > Receive Order.

  2. Complete the form as described in the sections below.

  3. When you have finished, choose one of two options to post the information to your NetSuite account:

    • Click Save to save the information and return to the Transactions page.

    • Click Save & Bill to save the information and go to the bill for this partially received purchase order.

      You create bills for only what you received.

To select an order:

  1. Select a vendor from the list.

  2. Select a vendor in the Vendor field to filter the list. Select All to show orders for all vendors.

  3. In the Process column, click Receive beside the purchase order for which you received partial shipment.

    The item receipt form opens.

To complete the item receipt:

  1. On the Item Receipt page, accept or enter a number you can later use to reference this partial receipt in the Reference # field.

  2. Verify information in the following fields:

    • Vendor – the vendor filling the purchase order

    • Created From – the purchase order number of the order you are receiving

  3. Verify or enter the date on which the order was received.

  4. Select a posting period.

  5. Optionally enter a memo. Text you enter in this field can be searched for later.

  6. On the Items subtab, check the box in the Receive column next to the items being received.

  7. In the Quantity column, enter the amount of the item you received in this shipment.

  8. Click the Landed Cost subtab to enter landed cost for the transaction.

    For more information, see Entering Landed Cost on a Transaction.

  9. Click the Expenses subtab.

  10. Check the box in the Mark Received column next to expenses you want to receive.

The purchase order has the status Partially Received, and your inventory is automatically updated with the items that have been received.

To receive the rest of this order in the future, repeat the steps above.

To see what has already been received and billed for a purchase order, click the Related records subtab, and then click Receipts & Bills.

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