Set Up Credit Card Payments Online

To successfully receive credit card payment for web orders, you must first set up accounting preferences in your NetSuite account to accept payments online. You must also configure payment methods and set up one or more credit card processing profiles.

Read the following help topics for information about setting up your Commerce web store to receive credit card payments:


To accept credit card payments online, you need a merchant account with the ability to process credit card payments. NetSuite can offer merchant account services or you can use your own. See the Order Management help topic, Setting Up Customer Credit Card Processing, for information about setting up a merchant account.

Setting up Accounting Preferences for Your Commerce Web Store

Set accounting preferences so that your NetSuite account can process orders from your Commerce web store. The following steps guide you through setting up preferences for online payments, credit card transactions, and charging tax on web orders.

To set up accounting preferences for your Commerce web store:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.

  2. On the Items/Transactions tab, in the Payment Processing section, check Customers Can Pay Online to allow customers to pay for the orders they place online using credit or debit cards.

  3. Check Use Card Security Code for Credit Card Transactions to require customers to enter the 3 or 4 digit card security code (CSC) which is usually found on the back of the credit card being used. Checking this box adds a helper image to help customers locate their CSC.


    To verify CSCs on your website, enable the Process an Online Payment with Sales Order Creation option on the Website Setup record. See Require Authorization for Credit Card Transactions for information about enabling this option.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Go to Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Set Up Taxes.

  6. Check Per-Line Taxes on Transactions.


    In some cases, the Per-Line Taxes on Transactions feature conflicts with the feature, Multiple Shipping Routes. If the Per-Line Taxes on Transactions checkbox is not available, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. Go to the Transactions tab and clear the Multiple Shipping Routes box. Click Save. Then, you can return to Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Set Up Taxes and check the Per-Line Taxes on Transactions box. After you have done this, enable the Multiple Shipping Routes feature again.

  7. In the Charge Sales Tax on Store Orders field, select one of the following:

    • Always – Charge sales tax on every order.

    • Never – Leave sales tax off orders in the web store.

    • Per Customer Basis – Charge sales tax based on the Taxable checkbox on customer records.


    If you select Always or Per Customer Basis, you must either set up tax groups or select Tax Codes Only in the Tax Code Lists Include field at Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Set Up Taxes.

  8. Click Save.

Creating Payment Methods

Before you can assign credit card payment processing profiles to your website, you must create one or more payment methods. Create a payment method for each credit card and payment type that customers can use on your website. For more information, see the Order Management help topic, Creating a Payment Method.

Assigning Payment Processing Profiles to Your Website

If you have multiple websites, you can assign a different credit card payment processing profile to each website. Before setting up a credit card processing profile in NetSuite, set up a merchant account for each payment card gateway you want to use. For more information, see the Order Management help topic, Setting Up Payment Processing Profiles in NetSuite.

To assign a credit card payment processing profile to your Commerce web store:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Financial Statement > Payment Processing Profiles.

  2. Click Edit next to the payment processing profile you want to use.

  3. In the Web Site field, select one or more websites.

  4. Click Save.


If you assign a credit card processing profile that supports the sales request and does not support authorization, you must use standard sales orders as the sales order type.

Go to Commerce > Websites > Website Lists and click edit next to your website. Go to the Shopping tab and the Checkout subtab and confirm that you have selected Standard Sales Order in the Sales Order Type field. For more information, see Checkout Preferences.

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